Southern Watercolor Society

Beginning in January 2024, membership in the Southern Watercolor Society is open to persons living in the United States.
DUES are $30 per year.
Pay through PayPal (see left column) and please indicate any changes in your name, address, email, and phone within the Paypal "Add special instructions" section.
Dues shall be paid annually on or before January 1 of each year and become delinquent as of March 1, of each year.
Nonpayment of dues within the calendar year terminates the membership and Active or Artist Signature status.
To reinstate Active or Artist Signature membership, a member must fulfill membership requirements again, or a member may be reinstated by payment of the current year dues and any of the past three years dues that are unpaid.
A watercolor painter sixteen years of age or older.
A member whose work is accepted and exhibited in one annual SW juried competition.
A member whose work is accepted and exhibited in three annual SW juried
competitions (not necessarily consecutive).
Artist Class members may use the initials "SW" following their signatures.
(Please note: SWS should not be used as it indicates earned status in Southwestern
Watercolor Society, a different society).
A person who has made significant contribution to the Society. Proposed by the board
and elected by membership. Does not pay dues.
An award donor or contributor to the general fund of SW, but has no voting privileges
and needs not be a painter.
Artist class members who have exhibited in 10 SW juried competitions and Past Presidents are given life membership status.
Membership questions should be directed to:
Gwen Kodad
We look forward to your participation in
our Southern Watercolor Society activities.
Join or Renew Form
© 2003-2023 by Southern Watercolor Society. The rights to individual art works remain solely with the artist who created them.